Linda Kenney Baden Discusses Aaron Hernandez trial with Jayson (On the Rebound) Williams at Play.It

As reported on my Sports Court Media website, my husband and I were happy to see and be on “Jayson on the Rebound.” We had a very frank discussion about criminal trials in general and specifically about former New England Patriots NFL player Aaron Hernandez’trial. It is a must listen. Jayson was made to do sports commentary. He made a great point about Aaron Hernandez chewing gum in front of the media as it relates to the evidence. It is amazing! Listen to the podcast to get the scoop.
The original article about our appearance is found at the following Sports Court Media link:
Here’s the SCM story in full, the link to the podcast and below the proof of my visit to the CBS local media building even though I was still hobbling on a cane from my bilateral hip replacement surgery.
“The Podcast just dropped! My husband Dr. Michael Baden and I ( Linda Kenney Baden) dropped in to Play.It. We discussed the Aaron Hernandez murder trial in Fall River, Ma. from a legal and forensic point of view with our former client Jayson Williams. His new show Jayson on the Rebound, only 3 episodes in, can be found directly at its Play.It website “, owned by ©2015 CBS Local Media, a division of CBS Radio Inc. Listen to our podcast here.”